Kota Samarahan...sate Pak Abu..Revolusi Mesir..
1/31/2011 03:53:00 AMAlhamdulillah...aku dh sampai kat Kota Samarahan..mggu lepas..after staying a while in Kuala Lumpur...hehe...a lot of changes comes to my eyes...seeing buildings grow tall....supermarket..hypermarket...Government offices...even the roads are changing...hehehe...back home...i felt peace...something i've really missed a lot nearly a month ago....
I really wanted to try my homeland cookings...hahahah...so, straight on arrival..my beloved parents together wid aiiman, the little one brought me to eat Mee Jawa complete wid Teh C Peng Special (3 layer tea)...yummy...hehehe....i heard a lot n tell a lot of stories along the way.....its really a huge relief coming home...hehehe...
All the way home...the radio keeps on telling the issue of PROTEST IN EGYPT....it comes to our nerves as my brother is there...right in the middle of Egypt...perghh..Hopefully ALLAH will save them from all dangers deriving from the incident...huhuhu....more than 10000 Malaysian are in Egypt...I really hope that the Malaysian Embassy in Egypt will act fast as the issue is spreading rapidly throughout Egypt..
Sate.....a really delicious n tasty Malaysian cuisine....
Yesterday...I got my chance eating what so called the tastiest sate in Kuching...located at the old Samarahan Bazaar opposite of the Post Office, its really strategic for customers to come n fetch a meal...having 10 sates n a teh tarik for my 1st try isn't enough...so i'm planning to bring along my friends there...having lunch together perhaps...hehehe....
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