last day...
1/05/2011 10:53:00 it a huge relief or's our last day of school here in Cairo university...the Oldest varsity in Egypt...
Knowing a lot from 'specialist' really helps my ideas of Arabic grow fast...4 big names...will always be in my mind...forever...The vicious looking Prof Dr. Alaa' Mohamad Ra'fat, The quick teacher Prof Dr Salleh Tawfiq, the most cheerful one...Prof Dr Ibrahim Dawwa, and the kind and friendly...Prof Dr Mustoffa Qutb..
I enjoyed my time learning wid this guys....believe me...(dorg sume ni mmg kaw2power sehh)...
wid Prof Dr Alaa' Ra'afat
Prof Dr Ibrahim Dawwa in action
So... its the day to say goodbye to Cairo University...a place where we spent our time...laughing, sharing, caring and loving one another as a family under 1 roof learning the Holy language....Allughatul-'Arabiya
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