12/20/2010 09:40:00 AM

As usual, our so called 'journey' starts at 9.00am ....

Outside the DMAK (Dewan Malaysia Abbasiah Kaherah) or formerly known as ARMA (Asrama Malaysia) are 2 vans (usually TOYOTA HIACE)....hehe....driven by 2 pak Arabs..

Here in Cairo, people called this vans TRAMCO instead of vans...TRAMCO's are one of the most easy to find public transportation.....hehhe....i dont think i'm gonna talk much about this tramco thing....i'll just post it later...

Yesterday i've been mumbling about Metro...and today....still on the public transportation topic...THE BUS....

THE RED one LE1 per ride

THE GREEN BUS..LE0.5 (Nusf') per ride...

Hehehe...actually the bus is one of the oldest transportation used throughout Egypt since no one can tell...hehe...above are pictures of buses operating within Cairo...the GREEN one, and the RED one....both are going to same destination...what matters is just that...hehehe THE FARES la!!apa lagi....if u want to better choose the GREEN one, if you're looking for a new bus...better try the red one...

Ok...back on really sure, if you've been to Egypt..u'll know what im talking about.....have you all ever heard "LOMPAT BUS"???its not BUS LOMPAT in Malaysia....or HOP-on-HOP buses in KL la....its getting out of the bus by jumping...quite scary arrrr???this is one of the only-can-see in Egypt thing..last saturday, I've got a chance to experience to lompat into the bus..of course, how to jump out of the bus...luckily i got my brother Ariff teaching me how to do it right...actually its a matter of technique...and a little bit of agility i suppose...and of course...LUCK!...hehehe...

Cairo is an emerging city...with 80 Mil citizens living in a city...seems to me that it 'needs some air to breath' for the public transportation....i felt that its really unsafe...for one to jump in...and out of the bus...(a moving one la.....)Maybe the government should do something on this..although its a tradition, i think safety is still a priority..unfortunately, we got one of our good fellas today...felt down while doing the jump....luckily he's OK...Syafaahullah (May Allah cure him quickly)....

K guys...I think thats all for today's diary....tomorrow's topic???wait and see la...

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