cheritera periksa

12/01/2010 09:44:00 PM

a crucial yet important part of life as an University student.

weeks when everything changes....
everywhere i see people got so many wrinkles on their faces..
when girls started to fill in the buses...
hahaha..when time library hours seems endless..
with peoples who are nervous...

people walking in a big hurry..
sometimes even faster than a rushing lorry..
need to fill the examination hall really early..
doesn't care if stomach's still empty..
hoping this years question'll be easy..
then went out and shout...YIPPEE!!!

as the clock ticks 8..
i found out dat i've woke up late..
when sleeping on my mystical bed...
staying up wid facebook to chat..
or playing DOTA instead..
and sometimes the neighbours get mad..
shouting and screaming like dogs and cat.. on earth could the studies rush into my head??

no more idea time i sambung la.....

Good Luck 4 ur best!!!!

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